CANDAI-Policy Impact is a social enterprise. It is anchored on the open data work of the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN), the personalized therapeutic nutrition agenda of the IPTN, Nutrition Department of the University of Nairobi and other willing and participating Universities, Governments at national and subnational levels, Development Partner Projects and Programmes as well as  Research and Community/Farmer based initiatives.

What we do


Conducting collaborative multidisciplinary practice-focused research


Building robust healthcare communities and referral networks


Providing clinical training and certification in Therapeutic Nutrition


Supporting practice change with enabling technology, tools and resources


With around 800 million people going hungry every day and 3 million children dying every year due to malnourishment, nutrition is a growing global problem which can no longer be ignored.

As many as 22% of children globally – equal to 150.8 million – are stunted due to malnutrition (Global Nutrition Report, 2018). With a growing population comes an ever-increasing demand for food produce and GODAN believes that current practices are failing to accommodate the growing need for good quality, nutritious food and the challenges of increased supply and demand. Numbers of malnourished people are expected to rise to over 2 billion by 2020 if nothing changes. A profound shift in the global food and agriculture system is needed if we are to rise to these challenges and achieve the SDG goal of zero hunger and malnutrition by 2030.

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